Vocational training and the intellectual capital like intangible assets


  • Johana Mercedes Chávez Ruiz Escuela Profesional de Contabilidad, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Gloria Abigail Puerta Asto Escuela Profesional de Contabilidad, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad Peruana Unión




The intellectual capital, active intangible, knowledge, the relational capital, the structural capital


The work of investigation has intention of dearrollar a brief theoretical treatment on the capital as intangible assets. The intellectual capital is considered to be an intangible assets without countable accomplishment, not reflected in the accounting statements, but it generates value according to the fnancial indicators that strike on the market and can be managed by the organization. During the second industrial revolution, his nature experiences a conceptual ini tial displacement in relation to the innovation. In the third industrial revolution, was considered by the frst time the presona or worker since one activate that it concentrates the skill, knowledge, capacity, evaluated economically. The structural capital is the explicit, systematic knowledge internalized that sublies in the persons and equipments of the company. The relational capital is the value of the knowledge that join to the persons and to the organization from the relations that are kept with the market and with the company in general. The theoretical models explain the strategy used for the
transformation, based on generation of knowledge under a perspective epistemológica and ontological. Between others, the model
Navegador Skandia controls the intangibles by means of a not fnancial valuation, which interest they are the attributes and invisible properties that competitive advantage generates. The model FiMIAM establishes the fnancial valuation to estimate the monetary value of
the capital intellectual, including it in the balance sheet, across the assignment of values to coeffcient. One concludes that the conocmiento, characteristic of the intellectual capital, associated with the innovation and value that strikes on the market, being of not physical
nature, now, for being evaluated economically must be included in the countable records.


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How to Cite

Chávez Ruiz, J. M. ., & Puerta Asto, G. A. . (2020). Vocational training and the intellectual capital like intangible assets. Revista De Investigación Valor Contable, 3(1), 31–46. https://doi.org/10.17162/rivc.v3i1.1230